What are the functions of the parietal cortex?


Greg Detre

Wednesday, 17 May, 2000

Brain & Behaviour � Prof Rolls


The parietal cortex is where the dorsal (or �where�) visual stream�s information about motion and location is integrated with somatosensory input and the other senses to develop representations of our position relative to the contents of the outside world.

This coordinating role requires the parietal cortex to be well-connected. The principle thalamocortical projections to the parietal cortex are from the LP-pulvinar complex (which receives from the superior colliculus and the pretectum � see below), and also the thalamic intra-laminar nuclei. The posterior parietal cortex, especially MT and MST, are where the dorsal visual stream terminates, traceable back to the magno-cellular layers of the LGN and the larger ganglial m-cells in the retina. In the other direction, the parietal cortex�s connections can be mapped with horse-radish peroxidase and radioactive amino acids, demonstrate a hierarchical organisation gathering at common destinations, e.g. prefrontal cortex and the limbic system


The posterior parietal cortex can be approximately subdivided by function into: (Sakata et al., 1997)

lateral intraparietal area (LIP) � saccades

posterior parietal region (PRR) � planning reaching movements

anterior intraparietal area (AIP) � grasping

As can be seen, the parietal cortex plays quite a high-level role. One view is Andersen�s, that the different sensory modalities are originally represented in different coordinate frames, but brought together in the areas of the posterior parietal cortex. There, the LIP and PRR encode the spatial location of visual and auditory signals, using the eye as a common reference frame. These neurons code a goal for movement in multiple coordinate frames so that different cordinate transformations can be accomplished with the same population of neurons depending on how these cells are read by other brain areas.

The coordinate transformation for determining spatial location and forming plans operates on three abstract representations, combining information from the different modalities of sensory input before being projected as efferent signals:

head-centred � combines information about eye position and the location of a visual stimulus on the retina

body-centred � combines information about head, eye and retinal position

world-centred � combines vestibular signals with eye poistion and retinal position

This view of the parietal cortex as integral to the planning and execution of limb movements is supported by human and monkey studies. Investigation of the neural processes subserving the production of movement requires various approaches: behavioural, physiological and brain imaging. Various studies (Mountcastle et al. 1975, Andersen et al. 1992) have demonstrated that the posterior parietal cortex has a role in programming actions and in transforming sensory signals into plans for motor behaviours.

The particular responses of neurons in the PRR vary, though they are largely during sensory input and movement. Stein (1992) claimed that these are two characteristics of all posterior parietal neurons:

1.       combinations of sensory, motivational and motor information are received

2.       their response is greatest when the animal attends to, or moves towards, a target

All of them respond to movements of the eyes and to the position of the eye in its socket (some are most responsive to behaviourally relevant stimulus, e.g. a reward). Some are barely activated by stationary visual stimuli but respond strongly when attention is directed or eye/arm movement made towards stimulus. Some respond to manipulation of the object, or its structural features.

Given all of this, we have reason then to expect posterior parietal neurons to be transforming sensory information into commands for directing attention and guiding motor outputs. We can look to evidence from human posterior parietal lesions to corroborate this:

impaired distinguishing left from right

impaired mental manipulations of objects

spatial deficits � perhaps due to damage to temporal-parietal polysensory regions (Goodale & Milner, 1993), rather than to the dorsal stream�s role in visuomotor guidance - right hemisphere lesions (greater polysensory growth in the right hemisphere) give rise greater deficits on complex spatial tasks


The AIP and the premotor areas are connected reciprocally (Metelli et al., 1994), and many AIP neurons are selective for object shape and size (Sakata et al., 1997). Others are active during object fixation and visually-guided grasping movements (which we know because they do not discharge in the dark, for instance), whereas the prefrontal neurons are active when grasping is performed, even with different effectors (e.g. left/right hand, mouth etc.), with others selective for specific grip type. There, specific knowledge about actions and their implementations is stored, as well as simplifying the association between a sensory stimulus (e.g. visually presented object) and appropriate motor response. Rizzolatti, Fogassi and Gallese suggest that the �mirror neurons� form a basic system of action recognition, and the early stages of an internal model, since they are active both when the monkey performs and observes an action. This could explain the curious phenomenon of what is left unaffected by lesions in the ventral stream � subjects remain able to grip objects correctly, even though their impairments to shape and form recognition are such that they are unable to verbalise what the object actually is.


The parietal cortex is integral in the planning and execution of eye movements. There are many other regions where neuronal activity also correlates with saccades: the frontal cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum and brain stem. The superior colliculus is the key structure, since it coordinates the various inputs from the forebrain, and provides the location for the transformation into outputs for the control of eye movements. The fact that a comparison of neuronal activity in the superior colliculus with its cortical inputs identifies the same type of activity supports the idea of distributed processing (i.e. a given transformation does not occur in a particular area, but progresses across a series of regions).

Saccadic eye movements are intimately related to visual attention � the content of a subject�s visual attention = traceable from their saccades. In the posterior parietal cortex, neurons responding to visual stimuli fire more vigorously when the stimuli are the targets of saccades. Saccades are attentional signals, which don�t depend on visual stimuli or eye movements (but are relevant to both). This can be contrasted with the superior colliculus, where enhanced activity is associated only with saccades, not with saccade-free behaviour.


It is the posterior parietal cortex that identifies the location, local orientation and motion of an object relative to the viewer � a �viewer-centred system�. There are many visual areas in the posterior parietal region, with multiple projections to motor systems for the eyes and limbs, necessary for its roles in visual attention and grasping, for example, as evidenced by monkey neurons, whose activity is dependent on concurrent behaviour of the animal with respect to visual stimulation.. There are also connections to the prefrontal cortex, which plays a role in the STM of location of events in space.


Human lesions provide further evidence of the function of the parietal cortex. Damage to the parietal lobe gives rise to diverse range of physical symptoms, especially in terms of non-verbal cognitive functions.

Human parietal lesions to the right side initially cause dramatic attentional deficits (such as dorsal and ventral simultagnosias (from Farah, 1990)). Subjects act as if the objects in the neglected field do not exist, and have difficulty making eye movements into that field. Balint�s syndrome usually arises from bilateral lesions of posterior parietal and prestriate cortex, where patients tend to see and describe only one object at a time. Subjects make few saccades and seem unable to shift the focus of their attention from the fovea (�stickiness�). Even after recovery, contralateral saccades are inaccurate and take longer to initiate.

Lesioning monkeys can be instructive, because it allows us to more precisely localise damage and isolate effects than the often patchy or diffuse non-experimental lesions that we encounter in human subjects. Lesions to the monkey�s posterior parietal cortex give raise to increased latency of saccades, targetting inaccuracy and selective neglect. Unilateral lesions give rise to preferentially attending to stimuli in the contralateral hemi-field.


I have shown that the parietal cortex incorporates and moves on from the processing in the �where� visual system, by incorporating information from other modalities, particularly the somatosensory. However, this should not be seen necessarily as evidence for a single, unified spatial map, but rather different representations of space for different behavioural needs and levels of complexity (such as simple movements as opposed to topographical knowledge). This leads to the formation of an even more abstract, and useful, representation of our extra-personal space, and influences motor input to our eyes and limbs.